Survive The Deep End!
Welcome to Surviving The Deep End, a free book about Zend Framework for the PHP programming language.
The book was written to guide readers through the metaphorical "Deep End". It's the place you find yourself in when you complete a few tutorials and scan through the Reference Guide, where you are buried in knowledge up to your neck but without a clue about how to bind it all together effectively into an application. This take on the Zend Framework offers a survival guide, boosting your understanding of the framework and how it all fits together by following the development of a single application from start to finish. I'll even throw in a few bad jokes for free.
The book is a work in progress and will soon be available to read online or download and print as PDF. In fact, every individual chapter can be downloaded individually or read online as soon as it's published. There will be no final version of the book - it's not like Zend will cease releasing new Zend Framework versions tomorrow! There will be a print edition in the near future when I figure out how that should work.
Surviving The Deep End is a free book. I rely on guilt, extortion, bad jokes, and teary eyed pleas for assistance to raise donations. That and Google ads on every page. Donations will be used to pay for the server (we're hosted on Slicehost) and the next Macbook Pro I intend purchasing later this year.
To keep up to date on the book's progress please visit or subscribe to my blog or follow TheDeepEnd on Twitter.